The first day was an evening show and I'm afraid we kept Jazz up past his bed time. Boy was he a grouch!!! This being his first show in a year plus I thought - well, okay he just does not like it, we are done...Everyone told me I should give it another day, since I had paid for three days. Mike just plain wanted to pull him but I figured I would at least finish out the weekend...I felt so bad for Kim, he was SUCH a brat! Reserve winner's dog was the best he could do.
Day two - as usual - he was different dog! Much better behaved, sprightly, happy to be there and very flashy! Jazz took Winner's Dog over 2 other very nice dogs, and THEN - - BEST OF OPPOSITE! Holy cow he actually beat two of my favorite dogs on the planet. Mellow and Zac - both veterans , but still very fine dogs! I nearly fainted, and I cried like an idiot!!! Everyone was sooo happy for me! I was really humbled by all the hugs and congrats we got.
Day three was a bust but who cares - he had already gotten a MAJOR and was a very good boy that day too...He was actually having FUN...which was even better than the win...Okay almost better than the win...