Here is Row, May 8, 2010, still waiting. He is blowing his coat and could use a good brushing - that will never happen. He will not feel a brush through his coat while he is at this "shelter".
Row has had his hearing continued to May 20, 2010. He still has not been outside. He still has had NO HUMAN CONTACT beyond a food bowl being put into his kennel.
His owner whined and complained that Row was going to have to be in a metal dungeon. Well what the @$#% is this? At least if he were taken home, his kennel could be outside so he could see the sun, yes, it would need a cover of some kind - but that cover could be made of the same chain link as the fence. He could see the sun, smell fresh air feel a little rain on his coat. He could be confined to his HOME inside a HOUSE with his people - if they gave a rat's ass.
But they don't, so my heart continues to bleed for this dog who is waiting, happy to see people when they pass his kennel...until the day that they stop.
May 20 - 8 more days.
I made sure to hug my Akita today. That photo breaks my heart. There are too many that end up in shelters in these situations.
Well, if anything is going to happen it will happen Monday. That is the date for compliance by Row's owner. What will he do? my guess? Leave Row in the custody of the county - a death sentence for sure.
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