Monday, August 27, 2007

Good Clean Fun

Well, Miss Kat has been with us for 6 weeks now and she is just a doll. She is quite the character now, although still a little fearful, - but hey it's only been 6 weeks right. She has no fear in the house and she is starting to enjoy the open spaces of our yard with out an escort.

Kat absolutely loves to watch TV (the louder the noise the better) - action adventure is her current fave - although she is still pretty partial to cop shows. Ya, I know, I'm teaching her bad habits - TV watchin' and all...Next she'll be eatin' bonbons and wearing fluffy pink slippers with a curler in her tail!

Her other passion is water - not too long ago she discovered that our water system drains onto the front lawn - well much splashing and mud ensued! Here are a few photos of her having a bit of fun!!!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007


No, do not adjust your set.
This photo really is not up side down, I was! I had to take it through my legs (yup that would be my legs on either side of her head). See, Kat wanted the ball that you can't see which was between my feet, so she snuck up behind me to steal it. I was looking around for her, but she doesn't sneak very quietly and gave me the cutest Akita bow when I bent over and caught her!!!

Learning From The Master

So, like with any dog the perfect chew toy is all important and Kat is no different. She has been like a little sister to Oso lately, following him around copying everything he does - it's a riot! Well, in keeping with the big brother thing she has taken to enjoying the same fabulous, super duper, very special chew toy as Oso - are you ready - empty fruit-2-O bottles. Yup, that is really his all time favorite, has been since we moved back to the US.

It's a little game - pulling off the top, then the ring then the label, then chewing the thing beyond recognition. And the NOISE - now we have it in stereo! Well, our girl is learning from the master!

"I can get this lid, I can, I can, I can..."

"How did he do that so fast?!?!?"

"What the..?"

"That's it, he has lost his mind!"

"Okay this is embarrassing - I"ll pretend I don't notice."