This was posted on an Akita Message Board by Jersey's owner:
They are finished she got 240 days in jail a suspended sentence so no jail time 2 years supervised probation and 80 hrs community service at the Jefferson county animal control and she has 30 days to submit an essay to the judge 750 words on how heat impacts dogs.
I could not breath - I was just stunned at such a travesty.
Jersey's owner is quite a woman, I bleed for her loss and I applaud her strength. Here is a missive that she wrote to the local joke of a news paper...
Dear Editor Post-Dispatch,
The lenient sentencing of Mary Wild by Associate Circuit Judge, Ray Dickhaner, is like that of a school child's punishment by her teacher -- complete with an essay to write! This "sentencing" of 2-year probation (detention), 8 hours of community service (that equals 10 hours per offense), and a 750 word essay, is an insult to all of us that are victims of Mary Wild's criminal neglect. I can just imagine Mary laughing on her way home from court yesterday morning, "I got away with it, Mom! HA!" Yes, Mary did get away with it. This pathetic excuse for justice in crimes against animals is why State of Missouri has earned its less-than stellar reputation across the rest of the country for fair treatment of animals. Keep it up, you are proceeding so well with it.
Hopefully the American Kennel Club will have more intestinal fortitude than Ray Dickhaner, and hand down an appropriate suspension. Then, despite Ray Dickhaner expressing that Mary Wild could go ahead and show dogs (as long as she had a note from her teacher), it simply will not be true. If the AKC does it's job, Mary Wild would not be able to handle dogs at AKC-sanctioned events, nor would she be able to breed AKC registered dogs for the duration of her suspension -- that trumps Ray Dickhaner.
My husband and I owned Jersey, the Akita that suffered and died as result of Mary Wild's criminal neglect. We are disgusted with this sentencing, as are the overwhelming majority of people the world over.
Monica Colvin
Gekko Akitas