Well, Jazzy has gone to his first AKC Dog show. It was a very scary thing for us both! We were a little more prepared than we were for the UKC having many more handling classes under our belt. My little man was totally star struck by all the noise and dogs, dogs, dogs! He makes this weird grunty noise when he's excited - so it was a pretty grunty morning! He sounded like a giant pig for a while there. I of course was a nervous wreck, not so bad as last time, but let me tell ya - don't go to a dog show when you a runnin' a fever. Man I was soaked before the classes even started.
Jazzy performed beautifully once he got in the ring, like he knew where he was and why he was there. Let's face it he's no seasoned professional and neither am I, but he stood well, stayed put and smiled real pretty for the Judge. The Judge even told me "you have a nice puppy there" on our way out of the Winners Class
Oh, did I forget to mention he took Best Puppy Male - yup and he actually beat someone! He took Reserve in Winners but hey, that was pretty good too for nine months (and 6 days) old!